Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!!!  Wait, to whom?

To the person who takes pictures like this.

Happy birthday!  Wait how old are you? 

 A 42 YEAR OLD MARATHON RUNNER??  IS THIS TRUE?  Actually, yes, it is.  He has to run because of all these dad' gum' calories I put inside him.  But seriously,  a MARATHON?  Crazy man.  Speaking of crazy, him and his friends had some sort of a man party and made their own little man cave out of the LIVING ROOM.

I made this apple cake because it's my dad's favorite.

And a cookie cake out of this recipe except I used cake flour and baked it in a pan.

My brother BJ said he "had" to take a bite before the party.  Before I left to go some were I should have put a big sign on it that said, "DO NOT EAT".  Oh well.  My dads friends didn't care.  Any way,

Happy birthday dad!

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