Monday, March 5, 2012

Oven Puffed Pancakes with Blueberries

I made some oven puffed pancakes the other day......   They were AMAZING!!

And Surprisingly easy.  And yummy.  And fancy.

Wait,  easy AND fancy?  You won't see this kind of thing every day!  You have GOT to try these.

Start with 1/2 cup flour (this recipe only makes 4 servings!)....

1/2 cup milk,

1/2 teaspoon vanilla that you got from Ecuador,  (Ecuador vanilla is AMAZING)

2 Tablespoons sugar, 1 egg plus 1 egg white,

and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Mix to combined.

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter into an oven-proof skillet and pour the batter into it.  look at that batter, it's glories.  Cook for 1 minute, then, put the HUGE pancake into the oven @ 425 for 18 minutes.

This is almost done......

And this is over done.  Darn.
Darn darn darn.  Dagnabit.  Oh what ever.

But I made another one.  YUM!!!!  It is SOOOO good.  It's like a custard on the inside. (If you cook it right)  You can put any kind of fruit on it!  Try baking some apples with cinnamon and pecans,  dicing them up, and sigh with a smile.  Oh my gosh, make this, like really,  make it at least before you die,  this is amazing!

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